Too Many Branches...

 Hello and welcome to Too Many Branches, a journal of sorts, for me to document my exploration into my family genealogy.  

A bit about me: I was not always into genealogy, but about a year and a half ago, I decided to start looking into my roots.  I went on an insane spiral down into the rabbit hole, much like Alice, and have been obsessed ever since.  I now have 1099 people in my family tree and add new members all the time.  I've tested my DNA, and that of a range of family members, and found some surprises along the way. I have started to build connections all over the world!

A bit about this blog: I am currently researching both my history as well as that of my husband.  I plan on documenting both families here, so it might get jumbled up from time to time, but I will always document what line I am writing about.  I plan on creating a page to list surnames as I write about them, so if you are here for research, you will be able to see if I have written about someone from your tree too!  I hope that as I share my research, it will help you find new secrets from your tree too!

My currently known regions:  I have family in the US going all the way back to the 1600-1700s, and from what I have uncovered so far, my research also extends into Germany, the Czech Republic, and England.  I expect to also find either Ireland or Scotland based on dna results, but I have not extended far enough into those branches yet.

The surnames that I am actively researching: Holub, Chalupnik, Stokes, Yoder, Brenneman, Steffens, Schooley, Watson and Nelson.  I have recently been hooked on tracing my lineage back through Czech church records, and that will probably be the very first real post on this blog!

I am always looking for new connections, avenues of research and I love meeting new people, so please feel free to say hi or ask me questions!  I hope that you enjoy reading my musings!



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